Salisbury House of Canada LTD. is committed to complying with the accessibility for Manitobans Act. (AMA) Our policies, procedures and measures reflect the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity for people with disabilities in their dining experience at Salisbury House.
If a barrier to accessing our goods and services cannot be removed, we seek to provide alternate ways to access the goods and services.
The following policy statements are intended to meet the requirements of the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service. This policy applies to all employees of Salisbury House of Canada Ltd., it’s Directors and Affiliates.
1. Communication: The Sals Market is committed to meet the communication needs of our customers. We will communicate with persons with disabilities in a respectful way taking into account their disability.
2. Assistive Devices: We accommodate the use of assistive devices when customers are accessing our goods, services and facilities.
Assistive Devices can be: wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, canes, oxygen tanks, etc. If for any reason a specific location can not accommodate an assistive device, we will work with the customer to review service options.
3. Support Person: We welcome support people and we let the public know in advance if a support person has to pay service fees. (if applicable)
4. Service Animals: We allow service animals in all areas available for public access.
Service Animals are commonly dogs but other animals can be trained. They support both physical and emotional disabilities. Service animals are treated as working animals. If uncertain whether the animal is a service animal or a pet, a manager may ask if the animal has been trained to help with a disability-related need, but not ask about the disability.
5. Barrier-Free: To ensure barrier-free access to our goods, services, or facilities we maintain our accessibility features so they can be used as intended for all customers. Accessibility features can be: Hallways, aisles, entrance and reception areas, meeting rooms, accessible washrooms, elevators, automatic doors, doorbells, and ramps.
6. Public Notice: We let the public know when and why an accessibility feature is unavailable, how long it is unavailable, and other ways to access our good and services.
7. Feedback: The Sals Market wants to hear about your experience. We welcome and respond promptly to feedback on the accessibility of our goods and services. We document the actions we take to respond to the feedback we receive.
8. Training: We will provide the required training on accessible customer service to employees and management and will ensure the training remains current at all times.
Specifically, training will consist of the following:
Orientation for new employees to The Sals Market will include review of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act and Salisbury House’s Accessible Customer Service Policy.
Review how to communicate and interact with our customers with various disabilities.
Review how to interact with persons with disabilities that may use assistive devices or require assistance from a support person or service animal.
Review the procedures for dealing with a situation where a person with disability is having difficulty accessing the goods and services at The Sals Market.
9. Records: We keep a written record of our accessibility and training practices. Our written documents include a summary of our training material and when training is offered. We provide our policies within a reasonable timeframe, at no cost, and in a format that meets the needs of the person requesting.
10. Public Events: We take reasonable steps to make our public events accessible.
Public meetings can include: meetings, catered events, press releases, etc.
Our events are accessible for all persons, whenever possible, and the public can request accessibility accommodations through contacting our Head Office.
NOTE: To provide feedback or request the complete Accessible Customer Service Policy contact:
Head Office Customer Service: 204-594-7257 (204-594-SALS)
Email: customerservice@salisburyhouse.ca
In-Person: Through a restaurant Manager
Want to give us some feedback regarding our accessibility policy?